Here are the ARTHUR picture book titles currently available from Random House, Little, Brown and Company and Advanced Publishers. ARTHUR picture books are available in most bookstores and libraries.
Random House:
123 Monsters on Parade
ABC Reach for the Stars
Arthur Counts!
Arthur Decks the Hall
Arthur Goes to School
Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy
Arthur and the Double Dare
Arthur in a Pickle
Arthur on the Farm
Arthur's Back to School Surprise
Arthur's Boo-Boo Book
Arthur's Boo-Boo Book
Arthur's Neighborhood
Arthur's New Baby Book
Arthur's Reading Race
Arthur's Really Helpful Bedtime Stories
Arthur's Really Helpful Word Book
Arthur's Valentine Countdown
Arthur, Clean Your Room!
D.W.'s Color Book
Arthur's Reading Race
Arthur's Really Helpful Bedtime Stories
Arthur's Really Helpful Word Book
Arthur's Valentine Countdown
Arthur, Clean Your Room!
D.W.'s Color Book
Glasses for D.W.
Kiss Hello, Kiss Good-bye
Say the Magic Word
Where's Arthur's Gerbil?
Where's Arthur's Gerbil?
Arthur Loses His Patience
Arthur the Brave
Arthur's In Charge
Arthur's Lost Duckling
Arthur the Brave
Arthur's In Charge
Arthur's Lost Duckling
Arthur's Promise
Arthur's Science Projec
tBuried Treasure
D.W. Saves the Day
Manners Matter
Queen for a Day
Say Cheese
Sir Arthur to the Rescue
The Good Sport
The Truth Comes Out
Try It, You'll Like It
Volunteer of the Year
What a Mess
Arthur's Science Projec
tBuried Treasure
D.W. Saves the Day
Manners Matter
Queen for a Day
Say Cheese
Sir Arthur to the Rescue
The Good Sport
The Truth Comes Out
Try It, You'll Like It
Volunteer of the Year
What a Mess
Arthur Breaks the Bank
Arthur Goes to Camp
Arthur Goes to Camp
Arthur Helps Out
Arthur Jumps Into Fall
Arthur Loses a Friend
Arthur Lost In The Museum
Arthur Lost and Found
Arthur Meets the President
Arthur Tells a Story
Arthur To the Rescue
Arthur Writes a Story
Arthur and the Bad Luck Brain
Arthur and the Big Blow Up
Arthur and the Big Show
Arthur and the Dog Show
Arthur and the Double Dare
Arthur and the New Kid
Arthur and the New Kid
Arthur and the No Brainer
Arthur and the Perfect Brother
Arthur and the True Francine
Arthur and the True Francine
Arthur and the World Record
Arthur's April Fool
Arthur's Baby
Arthur's Baby
Arthur's Birthday Activity Book
Arthur's Birthday
Arthur's Birthday
Arthur's Chicken Pox
Arthur's Christmas
Arthur's Computer Disaster
Arthur's Eyes
Arthur's Family Fued
Arthur's Computer Disaster
Arthur's Eyes
Arthur's Family Fued
Arthur's Family Treasury
Arthur's Family Vacation
Arthur's First Sleepover
Arthur's Friendship Treasury
Arthur's Family Vacation
Arthur's First Sleepover
Arthur's Friendship Treasury
Arthur's Halloween
Arthur's Heart Mix-Up
Arthur's Heart Mix-Up
Arthur's Homework
Arthur's Jelly Beans
Arthur's Lost and Found
Arthur's Jelly Beans
Arthur's Lost and Found
Arthur's Mystery Babysitter
Arthur's New Puppy
Arthur's Nose 25th Anniversary Limited Edition
Arthur's Nose
Arthur's Off To School
Arthur's Perfect Christmas
Arthur's Pet Business
Arthur's Perfect Christmas
Arthur's Pet Business
Arthur's Science Fair Trouble
Arthur's TV Trouble
Arthur's Teacher Moves In
Arthur's Teacher Trouble (also in Spanish: Arthur y sus problemas con el profesor)
Arthur's Thanksgiving
Arthur's Tooth
Arthur's Underwear
Arthur's Valentine
Arthur, It's Only Rock n' Roll
Arthur's Teacher Moves In
Arthur's Teacher Trouble (also in Spanish: Arthur y sus problemas con el profesor)
Arthur's Thanksgiving
Arthur's Tooth
Arthur's Underwear
Arthur's Valentine
Arthur, It's Only Rock n' Roll
Binky Rules
Buster's New Friend
D.W. All Wet
D.W. Flips!
Buster's New Friend
D.W. All Wet
D.W. Flips!
D.W. Rides Again!
D.W. The Picky Eater
D.W. Thinks Big
D.W.'s Guide to Perfect Manners
D.W. The Picky Eater
D.W. Thinks Big
D.W.'s Guide to Perfect Manners
D.W.'s Guide to Preschool
D.W.'s Library Card
D.W.'s Lost Blankie
D.W.'s Perfect Present
D.W., Go to Your Room!
D.W., The Big Boss
D.W.'s Lost Blankie
D.W.'s Perfect Present
D.W., Go to Your Room!
D.W., The Big Boss
Francine the Superstar
Good Night, D.W.
Good Night, D.W.
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